10 Extreme Movie Scenes That Left Stars Scarred

8. Michael J Fox Is Hung For Real - Back To The Future Part III

Eliza Dushku Wrong Turn
Universal Pictures

Directed by future Castaway helmer Robert Zemeckis, the third instalment of the Back to the Future trilogy provides undeniable proof that the director has been harming actors accidentally during filming since long before Tom Hanks opened his leg up on that set.

The series star Michael J Fox needed to hang by the neck from a rope for one brief early sequence in this underrated wild-west set film, so the filmmakers decided on an inventive and definitely not health and safety approved route.

In order to make the sequence believable, the actor was authentically hung by the neck, with the plan being that he’d hold a hand between his throat and the rope to allow his breathing.

One guess how well that genius gambit turned out.

Fox hung by his beck until he lost consciousness during filming, with the producers not noticing until he was knocked out and rapidly reviving him onset. Luckily the take made it into the movie, so enjoy the sight of the Family Ties star’s near-death experience next time you tune into any channel on Sunday afternoon.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.