10 Extremely Brief Movie Characters Who Totally Deserve Spin-Offs

8. Pulp Fiction - Winston Wolf

pulp fiction Not extremely brief, that is a given, but Harvey Keitel€™s Winston Wolf is easily one of the coolest characters to grace the world of Tarantino with a relatively short screen time, and he totally deserves his own film. After blowing poor Marvin€™s head off in the back of their car, Jules (Samuel L Jackson) and Vincent (John Travolta) get to the friendliest place they can in the quickest time possible, so not to be pulled over by the cops, because you know, Cops tend to notice that kind of thing. They get to Jimmy€™s house, an old pal of Jules, played by Quentin Tarantino in one of his more tolerable cameos. Jimmy is freaking out about the situation that is time critical due to the impending arrival of his wife Bonnie, who is coming home from a grave yard shift as a hospital nurse. Enter €˜The Wolf€™€ Renowned for €˜fixing€™ certain situations that seem unfixable, he arrives, puts the two in their place, sorts out the aforementioned Jimmy with compensation, gets Jules and Vincent to clean up the itty bitty pieces of skull and brain of the back of their car, dresses the two hit men like €˜a couple of Dorks€™, has a few quips with Monster Joe€™s daughter (€˜No you ARE a character, doesn€™t mean you HAVE character€™) and then leaves the film. We would love to see him in a spin off movie, going around cleaning up different messy situations that supposed professionals have found themselves in, as Jules Winfield said to Marcellus Wallace: €˜You€™re sending €˜The Wolf€™? S**t yeah Ne**o, that€™s all you had to say!€™
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...