10 Failed Horror Movies Without A Single Scary Moment

7. Jason X (2001)

Jason X Who on God's green Earth thought up the idea for this movie? "Uh, so, let's put Jason from Friday the 13th, like, 400 years in the future, and see what happens when we do that." In what is one of the great Hollywood examples of Hollywood doing something without really knowing why they're doing it, it's Jason X. I don't know what this movie is supposed to be exactly, but it fails in every away: as a horror, as a sci-fi, as a parody (?) as an entry in the Friday the 13th franchise. I mean: Jason goes to the freakin' future? Are you kidding? Turns out they weren't. So here we are with a movie that tries to do something different whilst - at exactly the same time - reprises the beats of previous movies in the series. What was the point? Like The Happening, any attempts to be "serious" in Jason X come across as being totally hilarious. Worst still, this is a "horror" movie - and my research tells me that it really was supposed to be a horror movie - without one scary moment. It's just a bunch of gory killings, with the occasional scene set on a spaceship. As a concept, it's baffling. As an exercise in terror, it's a bonafide embarrassment.

All-round pop culture obsessive.