10 Failed Horror Movies Without A Single Scary Moment

6. One Missed Call (2008)

One Missed Call One Missed Call is a movie about a killer cell phone. I'm not kidding. As a remake of a not even great Japanese horror movie, this is the very definition of what scraping the barrel looks like. Not only is One Missed Call not terrifying in every way, it's also so mind-numbingly tedious that paying not to watch it seems like the better option. In retrospect, I seriously wish that somebody had presented me with that choice before I sat down to take it all in. Okay, so the idea here is that... well, like I said, it's about a cursed cell phone. I can't really give you anymore information because the plot makes no sense, and it was so dull that I had to concentrate super hard just to get the basic gist - not because it was complex, but because my built-in self-preservation instinct tried to lock it out. It's rare that I'll cite a movie as having absolutely nothing going for it, but One Missed Call is totally that movie: the performances are dire, the "scares" verge on parody, and when it's all finally over (after the longest 90 minutes ever) you feel dead inside.

All-round pop culture obsessive.