10 Failed Horror Movies Without A Single Scary Moment

4. Leprechaun (1993)

Leprechaun I don't know what the world's obsession with leprechauns is in general, but who'd have thought that Hollywood would eventually try to find a legitimate way to make a bunch of horror movies about the little chaps? Oh, that's right: everyone did, because that's what Hollywood does best and has been doing ever since they realised how stupid your average movie-goer is. Leprechaun is the first in a Godawful series, a movie so unscary that calling it "unscary" is a genuine insult to all the other not frightening movies in existence. Warwick Davis plays the Leprechaun (of course he does), who is evil and sadistic for the same reasons that all leprechauns seem to be, and then we get 92 minutes of a pre-Friends Jennifer Aniston trying to escape him. For some reason this movie finds itself billed as a "comedy horror" nowadays, presumably because the marketing department think that's a good way to sell it to "bad movie" aficionados. But it wasn't supposed to be a comedy when it first came out - it was supposed to scare you. And in its attempts to do so, it fails. Over and over and over and over again. It's a wonder Aniston had any kind of career after being associated with this one. Also: it's really, really boring.

All-round pop culture obsessive.