10 Failed Horror Movies Without A Single Scary Moment

5. The Shaft (2001)

The Shaft "The Shaft is a 2001 horror film about a killer elevator." Not my words, but the ones written on this thing's Wikipedia page, a sentence that almost sounds like a failed attempt to purposely entice people into watching it. If you thought there was a chance that they could make a scary movie out of such a "neat" concept, though, you're presumably the most optimistic human being on the planet. Let's just say that The Shaft is the scariest movie that has ever been made about an elevator, which isn't saying much. The story is as follows: Naomi Watts plays a reporter who goes to investigate a building where people keep getting killed in elevators, no matter how many repairs or safety checks are put in place. Naomi Watts actually looked at that plot synopsis and said "When do we start shooting?" I hope she built a nice swimming pool or something with her paycheck, because the movie itself is... questionable. Anyway, the tension that one might associate with your average "killer elevator" flick is nowhere to be found: all we get is cheesy special effects and terrible acting. Even the death scenes - which could have been fun - are too unrealistic to enjoy.

All-round pop culture obsessive.