10 Fake-Out Movie Deaths Nobody Believed

7. The Happytime Murders - Jenny

The Dark Night Jim Gordon Gary Oldman

In this awful adult comedy film, which features Sesame Street-style puppets, a human detective (Melissa McCarthy) and her former puppet partner Phil team up to find a killer who is murdering the cast of an old television sitcom.

Phil goes to visit his ex Jenny (Elizabeth Banks) and, after barely any screen-time, Jenny is apparently killed in a car bomb but then, you guessed it, she reappears later, allied with the main antagonist, a puppet named Sandra.

This one epitomises the common issues with fake-out movie deaths. We didn't see a body and when a character who is hyped up as important and played by a big name like Banks dies so quickly, it's never believable.

True, some movies do smartly subvert expectations by killing off a big cast member early, such as Psycho or Scream... but The Happytime Murders is not a smart or subversive movie in any form, so this could be seen from a distance.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.