10 Fake-Out Movie Deaths Nobody Believed

4. Star Trek Into Darkness - Captain Kirk

The Dark Night Jim Gordon Gary Oldman

Star Trek Into Darkness is pretty awesome even if it doesn't resemble the original Star Trek franchise as much as some fans might've liked, but this fake-out death was total nonsense.

Towards the film's end, the Enterprise is about to crash into Earth and Kirk sacrifices himself to save everyone on-board by entering the radioactive reactor chamber unprotected and re-aligning the ship's core.

In a pretty jarring deus ex machina, it turns out that main antagonist Khan's (Benedict Cumberbatch) blood has regenerative properties and this is used to revive Kirk later on.

This is one of those fake-out deaths where one just thinks: why did they even bother? Kirk is the main character and killing him off after only two movies of the revived series would've made zero sense.

Still, it's clear why they bothered. This sequel frequently pays homage to The Wrath of Khan and this echoed Spock's heroic sacrifice in that film. Spock was later resurrected, so evidently Kirk would be too.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.