10 Fake-Out Movie Deaths Nobody Believed

2. The Dark Knight - James Gordon

The Dark Night Jim Gordon Gary Oldman
Warner Bros.

The Dark Knight is one of the best and most beloved blockbusters ever made but it still isn't perfect. When scanning this exemplary superhero movie for flaws, this fake-out death immediately leaps to mind.

Earlier in the film, it appears that James Gordon (a wonderful Gary Oldman) sacrifices himself to stop an assassination attempt on the mayor, except of course he faked his death and he turns up at the end of the film's brilliant road chase sequence to apprehend the Joker.

This is yet another case where it's bewildering as to why they even bothered with it. This fake death was entirely pointless, while Gordon's return was also painfully predictable.

Not only was Gordon featured prominently in the film's marketing, but one of the most important characters in the Batman franchise being killed before he'd even become police commissioner was impossible to believe.

The film is now over a decade old, but Gordon faking his death still feels just as superfluous as ever.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.