10 Famous Actors Who Decided To Turn On Their Own Movies

2. Jim Carrey - Kick-Ass 2

jim carrey kick ass 2Kick-Ass 2 isn't even out yet, and already Jim Carrey - who plays Colonel Stars and Stripes - has turned on the movie in the wake of the recent Sandy Hook massacre, declaring that the violent content in the sequel is something he can no longer support. "I did Kick-Ass a month before Sandy Hook," he said on his Twitter account. "And now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence. My apologies to others involved with the film. I am not ashamed of it but recent events have caused a change in my heart." There were a flurry of varied responses to this declaration, of course, many of which questioned Carrey's decision to retract his support for the movie: he read the script before he signed on, after all, so surely he knew how violent the movie was going to be? There's also the matter of the original Kick-Ass, which Carrey has stated love for. What did he expect from a follow-up? Many also requested that he donate his salary for the movie to some relief fund for victims of Sandy Hook, given that his actions here could come across as pretty hypocritical.

All-round pop culture obsessive.