10 Famous Actors Who Have Literally Never Been Bad In A Movie

6. Philip Seymour Hoffman

The Master Philip Seymour Hoffman
The Weinstein Company

It's impossible to think about Philip Seymour Hoffman's career without a stinging tinge of sadness, given his untimely death in 2014 and the decades of unfulfilled performances which disappeared along with him.

But it's not sentimental hyperbole to say that Hoffman was one of the very best working actors of his time, possessing an innate ability to elevate even the most low-brow and undignified role.

Few other actors could've talked about "sharting" in the 2004 Ben Stiller vehicle Along Came Polly with such hilarious conviction as to be truly memorable, and even in shameless tentpole movies like Mission: Impossible III, he gave as much energy and soul to the part as if he were gunning for an Oscar.

Hoffman's most famous roles were of course in the art-house realm in awards-friendly movies such as Capote, Doubt and The Master, yet he spent much of his career cornering the market on entrancing oddballs in cult classics such as The Big Lebowski, Happiness, Punch-Drunk Love, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Synecdoche New York and so many more.

Every performance brought something new to the table, and across his mere 46 years, he never once let laziness get the better of his work.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.