10 Fan-Favourite Deleted Scenes (That Are Secretly Terrible)

4. A Super Happy Ending - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

If there's one constant complaint about the Terminator movies made after Judgement Day €“ besides them not being very good - it would be that the story really ends there. The T-1000 is destroyed and the technology responsible for creating Skynet is destroyed. It can and should have ended there, something that James Cameron would have underlined with the original ending. It takes place on a sunny day thirty years into the future with an elderly Sarah Connor sitting in the park seen in her nightmare. She reveals Judgment Day came and went without incident and that John grew up to be a senator with a child of his own. In summary the future got a really happy ending. Cameron removed it because Linda Hamilton€™s old age make-up is distractingly terrible in addition to the ending being too cheesy compared to the rest of the movie. He didn€™t include it in his bulky extended cut for the same reasons. When it became available on DVD for people to judge for themselves nobody could argue with his reasoning.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.