10 Fatal Mistakes That Ruined The DCEU

1. Trying To Replicate What Worked For Marvel Studios

Justice League Flash Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Hollywood is no stranger to trying to replicate a formula for success, and seems intent to jump on any bandwagon in an attempt to reap similar critical and commercial rewards. Recent history is littered with the remains of failed cinematic universes that tried to mimic Marvel's groundbreaking strategy, and the vast majority of them fell at the very first hurdle.

The best thing the DCEU could do at this point is to ignore what their rivals are doing, and find their own unique way to developing and expanding their shared mythology. They tried to copy the recipe before, and the rush to get to Justice League as quickly as possible in an attempt to piggyback off the success of The Avengers ultimately set the franchise back in the long run.

Marvel's strategy works for them, so it only seems logical that DC and Warner Bros. should find one that best suits the properties they have available and the creative minds they have under contract. The DCEU isn't doomed by any stretch of the imagination, and has improved drastically in the short term, but the key now is finding a way to build on that and maintain a level of quality that will keep people coming back for more, because there's definitely room at the top table in Tinseltown for two superhero cinematic universes.


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