10 Fatal Mistakes That Ruined The DCEU

7. Studio Interference

Justice League Flash Wonder Woman
Warner Bros

David Ayer once openly admitted that he 'got his throat cut' on Suicide Squad, with the finished movie reportedly very different from what the filmmaker originally had in mind. While they seem to have reined themselves in somewhat in recent years, several of the DCEU's early installments bore the heavy fingerprints of studio interference.

After a rushed production schedule saw him forced to write the script in just six weeks, Suicide Squad quickly gained infamous status as Warner Bros. leaned on Ayer to put in more comedic elements in an attempt to avoid the backlash that greeted the somber Batman v Superman, and the filmmaker was essentially locked out of post-production as the studio had two different teams of editors putting together competing cuts to see which one would fare best with test audiences.

Justice League also saw Joss Whedon acquiesce to their demands when he boarded the project, with their insistence that the movie run no longer than two hours the reason why it clocks in at exactly 120 minutes, while Patty Jenkins had to fight hard to get the No Man's Land sequence in Wonder Woman, which turned out to be the most iconic scene in the entire thing.

Given the huge sums of money at stake, the studios are always going to be entitled to an opinion, but when they interfere too much it ultimately compromises the filmmaker, and never usually ends up improving the finished product.


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