10 Female Movie Characters Who Kicked Some Serious Ass

8. Selina Kyle (The Dark Knight Rises)

Selina Kyle is a cat burglar (although it should be noted that the name 'Catwoman' is never uttered in The Dark Knight Rises) who is pursuing a clean slate; Quite literally - she is looking for a computer program called 'clean slate' which is rumoured to be able to erase a person's criminal history. At first, she obtains Bruce Wayne's fingerprints to hand them over to his business rival's assistant in order to obtain the program but, when she meets him, she double-crosses him (knowing that he probably won't give her the program), alerts the police to their location and takes out a group of armed men on her own (before putting on a brilliant 'damsel in distress' act that fools the police). She then meets Bruce Wayne and promises to lead him to Bane in exchange for the program, but leads him in to a trap, having been revealed as an associate of Bane. Bane then cripples Wayne, leaving him needing months of rehabilitation. Once rehabilitated, Wayne vows to stop Bane and recruits Kyle (amongst others) to stop his crazy plot to destroy Gotham. It is actually Kyle who kills Bane in the end, by shooting him in the chest at point-blank range with the Batpod's cannon.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.