10 Film Franchises That Are Officially In Jeopardy
7. The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower arrived in theatres amid claims that Stephen King's opus is unfilmable, and the naysayers turned out to be absolutely right.
Nikolaj Arcel's attempt to bring the series to cinema is pseudo-sequel form didn't pan out for a number of reasons, the Danish filmmaker's attempts to water down the source material at every turn being chief among them.
The majority of fans and critics loathed Dark Tower, dubbing it a hollow take on King's epic, but Sony Pictures' plans for a companion television series and potential movie sequels aren't completely dead yet, even if fan expectations are.
A small screen prequel exploring The Gunslinger's younger years is not yet off the table and the movie's lead actor Idris Elba recently told the Radio Times that talks about a cinematic sequel are taking place.
Box office takings of more than $110 million make these kind of talks possible, but with a Rotten Tomatoes score of just 16%, The Dark Tower series is officially in jeopardy.