10 Film Heroes You Didn't Realise Committed Shockingly Evil Acts

8. The Ministry Of Magic (Harry Potter Series) €“ Magical Fascists

While Voldemort is seen as the fascist villain of the Potterverse, the Ministry of Magic is not much better. Acting as a secret society hidden from the world, they seem to have no checks and balances on their power. Despite being in name a ministry of the British Government, the Prime Minister is only vaguely aware of them and their activities. Several times during the series the Minister of Magic pops in to speak to the Prime Minister, but never bothers to tell them about the magical mass murderer wondering about. Speaking of the Minister, how is he even appointed? We see three Ministers during the series (not including Voldemort's puppet Minister) and nowhere is there any mention of any sort of election or anything. Furthermore, when Harry uses magic illegally, they immediately know. What does this mean? Constant surveillance. Something they fail to use to find Voldemort or any of the powerful mind-altering substances the students have access to. The Ministry of Magic, and indeed the wizarding community, treat the Muggle community like a vague annoyance at best. Though really when you look at it, the wizards are an exclusive club that you have to be born into. It doesn't matter how good a Muggle you are, if you aren't born with that special something then you have no chance of aspiring to being a wizard. So we end up with a group of people who are inherently superior from birth. Might we perhaps call them a "master race"? Add in the lack of any sort of democracy and the constant surveillance and suddenly Voldemort isn't the only wizard Hitler in town.

Having failed at being an actor and failed at having a job Dan decided to return to education and is now studying for a PhD in Classics. In his spare time he enjoys analysing every area of popular culture: from film to television to video games to theatre to literature. Find him on twitter @dangoad