10 Film Heroes You Didn't Realise Committed Shockingly Evil Acts

4. Superman (Superman: The Movie) €“ Sacrifices The Lives Of Thousands For His Girlfriend

We all know Superman of the comics is kind of a dick, but classic film Superman is a shining white light in a world of evil. Like when he gave up his powers to be with Lois, but then realised the world needed him more than he needed his lady love. He would never put Lois before thousands of lives right? ...Right? Remember in the first Superman when the world is cracking up and Lois is killed because Superman is busy stopping a dam from bursting and drowning thousands? Then Superman gets all upset because Lois is dead, turns back time and goes back to rescue her. He succeeds and they all live happily ever after. Everyone except the people who drown because the dam bursts, of course. Previously he didn't save Lois because he was stopping the dam, but now he is saving her he won't be able to stop the dam. In rescuing his girlfriend Superman has doomed thousands to a watery grave. And then when he gives up his relationship with Lois in a later film, it turns out all those people died for nothing. What did we learn? Superman is always a dick.

Having failed at being an actor and failed at having a job Dan decided to return to education and is now studying for a PhD in Classics. In his spare time he enjoys analysing every area of popular culture: from film to television to video games to theatre to literature. Find him on twitter @dangoad