10 Film Parodies Better Than The Original

6. Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery

Austin Powers
New Line Cinema

Original Movie: 60s Era James Bond film

The second spy movie parody to make this list but this one is a little different to Spy. Instead of taking aim at modern spy movies Austin Powers went back to the 60’s era of James Bond. This was the films first great idea because 60s Bond was campier, sillier and had a lot more room for comedy. The second great idea the film had was taking their campy and silly version of Bond and putting him in modern times, allowing the world around Powers to play straight man to his over the top theatrics.

But you know this movie is good, most people have at least one Austin Powers quote memorized through no fault of their own. If you say the words “1 million dollars” in conversation you have to fight the urge to put your little finger to your mouth.

The film never loses its light-hearted tone either. Far too often parody movies can become far too pleased with themselves and come off as smug, but not Austin Powers. All the characters are meant to be laughed at and not laughed with, there’s very little nodding and winking at the camera and these are things that make the film even better when you compare it to its campy but doesn’t know it predecessor, a 60s Bond movie.


James Roachford hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.