10 Film Villains We Secretly Wanted To Win

9. Caledon 'Cal' Hockley €“ Titanic

Surely we can all agree that we would likely act much in the same way as Cal if we found ourselves unlucky enough to be in his shoes? He may be a 30-year-old brat who is marrying a girl nearly half his age but you can€™t deny that the self-entitled Cal is a good fiancé. He dotes on the 17-year-old Rose, providing financial security for her and her exploitative family and even buys her the Heart of the Ocean which motivates the whole excavation project framing the film. Despite this munificent treatment, Rose sleeps with DiCaprio€™s Jack after scarcely knowing him for a day. We realise that sometimes relationships don€™t work out but she could at least have told Cal that it wasn€™t working out for her (though her mother probably would€™ve stabbed her with a butter knife). Cal was forced to sit and have dinner with the guy who was clearly hitting on his girl and James Cameron made him look like a d*ck for being upset about it! After losing his fiancé we find out that Cal later loses his fortune after the crash of 1929 and commits suicide. You didn€™t deserve such a fate, Cal.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.