10 Films Directors Regret Making

3. Gigli - Martin Brest

Shutter Island Teddy Daniels
Columbia Pictures

Gigli is one of the most infamous flops of all time - a stonking box office failure which also won six Razzie awards, including Worst Director and Worst Screenplay for filmmaker Martin Brest.

Brest, an acclaimed director with hit movies to his name like Beverly Hills Cop, Midnight Run, and Scent of a Woman - the latter even earning him two Oscar nominations - effectively had his career torpedoed by Gigli's catastrophic failure.

Brest hasn't directed anything in the 20 years since and has maintained an extremely low profile, though in a recent Variety interview finally broke his silence about Gigli.

While Brest was reluctant to even speak the movie's name aloud, preferring to call it "the G movie," he said of his experience making the film:

"Extensive disagreements between the studio and myself got to the point where post-production was shut down for eight months while we battled it out. In the end I was left with two choices: quit or be complicit in the mangling of the movie. To my eternal regret I didn't quit, so I bear responsibility for a ghastly cadaver of a movie."

Brest additionally revealed, as many suspected, that he's struggled to get subsequent scripts off the ground, and so rather than spend years fighting to get them made, he decided to quit the industry altogether.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.