10 Films For People Who Hate Fantasy

4. Pan's Labyrinth

Beetlejuice Lydia

War is a monster. It's something that brings out the worst in humankind, making a beast out of everyone. And to be a child in a time of war is particularly cruel. The film Pan's Labyrinth explores the human mind in times of severe crisis.

The story is about a girl who meets a fawn in a labyrinth during the Spanish civil war. The Faun tells her that she's the princess of a magical world, but she must pass three tests to regain her royalty. What's unique about this film is how the fantasy world mimics the real world. Though it seems like an escape, the horrors of real-life are reflected there. The monsters in the fantasy realm are no more terrifying than the beast of reality, war.

Pan's Labyrinth doesn't just tell us that war is horrible; it also shows that there can be light even during the worst of times. Whether you believe the fantasy world existed or not will determine how you view the films ending. The movie encourages the audience to believe that magic is real.

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Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.