10 Films For People Who Hate Fantasy

3. Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Lydia
Warner Bros.

The afterlife can be tragically hilarious. Laughter and death do not go hand in hand, but this movie manages to make dying funny. Fantasy can address sensitive topics like death and make them more approachable. The ability to laugh at a subject allows us to view the matter through a less severe lens.

The movie is about a recently deceased couple who find themselves confined to their home. In failed attempts to scare away the newly arrived tenants, they call upon a scare-hire named Beetlejuice. If the subject matter isn't interesting to you, the star-studded cast should be. Under the direction of Tim Burton, we see faces from Catherine O'Hara to Michael Keaton.

This film takes a bleak topic and finds a witty and comical presentation. From flattened humans as paperwork carriers to terrifying giant sandworms, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Sit back and relax because, in Beetlejuice, the afterlife isn't so grim.

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Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.