10 Films That Are Better The Less You Know Going In

1. The Room

The Room Tommy Wiseau
TPW Films

Somebody you know has seen The Room. They will describe it as the Best Worst film ever made, they will not be able to greet anybody named Mark in a normal fashion, and they have a weird thing about spoons.

Released in a limited number of California theatres in 2002, The Room is the fever dream of the genuine oddity that is Tommy Wiseau. Writer, director, producer, executive producer and lead actor Wiseau took on every single role in the production of the film despite having no discernible talent in any of these categories.

‘Telling the story’ of an incongruous and nonsensical love triangle between Johnny (Wiseau), ‘future wife’ (the word fiancée is never used in the film) Lisa and Johnny’s best friend Mark, the film stumbles for 99 minutes through baffling dialogue, bizarre set designs and sub plots that last as long as one scene.

Despite rightly being ostracised at the time as being ‘The Citizen Kane of bad movies’, The Room is the quintessential cult flick, and has gained notoriety on the midnight circuit since its release as fans flock to cosplay their favourite characters, quote their favourite lines and even hurl spoons at the screen for specific moments (don’t ask).

Going into The Room with no knowledge of the trainwreck you are about to witness truly enriches its baffling nature, but going in without any understanding of what a film is may actually be the best way of all.


Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.