10 Films That Are Said To Be Cursed

2. The Poltergeist Trilogy

The Exorcist Reagan

The Poltergeist curse spans the original three films in the series, which resulted in many of the original cast dying young. Fans believe that the idea of the curse originates from the fact that the crew decided to use real corpses for the first film.

The curse is said to have struck the young star of the trilogy, Heather O’Rourke, who played Carol Anne. She was just 12 years-old-when she passed away due to a misdiagnosed illness that was believed to be the flu. Her illness was visible throughout filming of the third instalment, and she sadly passed away before filming was completed.

Other victims include O’Rouke’s on screen sister played Dominique Dunne who was strangled to death by her ex-boyfriend days before production started for the second film.

Speaking of the second instalment, actor Will Sampson was convinced that the set was plagued, and so performed an exorcism. He sadly passed away a year later to due to post-operative kidney failure.

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The Exorcist
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