10 Films That Really Didn't Deserve Razzie Nominations

8. Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Batman Returns Michael Keaton

In the mid-'90s, Walt Disney Studios was nearing the inevitable end of the glorious renaissance they had been enjoying ever since 1989's The Little Mermaid. The writing was on the wall for Disney as they moved towards the new millennium but that is certainly not to say they didn't give us some absolutely wonderful films in the final five years of the nineties. Among them were crowd-pleasing hits such as Hercules and Mulan, as well as a little film called The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Though Hunchback was never close to being one of Disney's biggest hits, it gets bonus points for being one of the most artistically independent and adventurous films the studio put out in this era. On paper, the concept is basically another go at the Beauty and the Beast formula that worked so well for them before.

But in execution, Hunchback is a dark, sometimes horrifying look at religion and mortality. If you need any further proof that this film was subverting Disney tropes long before Frozen was even a sparkle in Iger's eye, try to process this: Quasimodo, the aforementioned hunchback, does not get the girl.

Somehow, the Razzies saw fit to welcome all of these daring story choices with ridicule. The film was nominated for Worst Written Film Grossing Over $100 Million, which just seems incredibly unfair. This was the mid-'90s for crying out loud, I'm sure there were at least five films that came out that year that centered on talking dogs who played sports.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.