10 Films That Ruined Perfectly Good Holiday Destinations

9. Kazakhstan - Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

borat_national_anthem_kuawait_WSN Borat is mostly known for its brilliant parody of American culture through the eyes of someone completely oblivious to it, and it handles this with not-so-glamorous confidence. However, there€™s another country that the film enjoys swiftly While many claim the film put Kazakhstan on the map for the rest of the world, Borat really doesn't paint a pretty picture for the country in its beginning and ending scenes. Its standard homes are seen to be cramped, dirty houses filled with large families, but this is nothing compared to how the people are portrayed - incestuous, ignorant, offensive and filled with cheap prostitutes (although that last one might not be the worst thing in the world for certain holidaymakers). Certainly the Kazakh government denounced the film for its gross portrayal of its people - at first. But the film did indeed put the country on the map after all. The number of visas issued rose ten times and tourism skyrocketed. So strangely, this crazy film that portrayed Kazakhstan as a literal s**t hole turned it into a popular attraction. However, the case still stands - it portrays it as a s**t hole.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.