10 Films That Ruined Perfectly Good Holiday Destinations

6. Cruise Ships - Titanic

titanic ending There may be more modern takes on the sinking boat disaster film, but none were more vivid than Titanic. There aren't many people who can watch the film without swearing at least once never to set foot on a boat ever again - not even that canoe you got for Christmas years ago. James Cameron€™s slow but purposeful Titanic had a grand finale that the more thrill seeking of watchers tend to skip to (that and Kate Winslett€™s nude scene, we can€™t be forgetting that any time soon), and it really packs a punch every time. Seeing people desperately clinging on with little hope of a rescue, right to the very end is enough to put you off that luxury P&O weekend you had planned. Sure, we may have had advancements in boat safety and technology in the 101 years since the Titanic, but even the real life likes of the Costa Concordia, the Italian cruise ship that ran aground and caused quite a stir, are testament that we are not invulnerable on water, nor are we guaranteed anything other than what happened in The Titanic. (Strangely enough, many news anchors reporting on the Concordia story described it as a €˜real life Titanic€™ in reference to the film. Can anyone spot the logic gap here?)
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.