10 Films That Ruined Perfectly Good Holiday Destinations

5. Antarctica - The Thing

the thing Freezing cold tundra of snow and ice and blistering conditions all round, only for the thrill seekers and bucket list tickers out there. Not my idea of a €˜perfect€™ holiday, but it is a popular one nonetheless. 30,000 people have made the trip purely for a holiday since 1970, and the number seems to steadily rise as more people learn to enjoy the thrill of unending snow. However, what most of them are not expecting is a parasitic alien life-form that can seriously deform humans and animals and can only be destroyed through many, many bouts of incineration. Hell, I€™d brave Antarctica€™s uncomfortable conditions if that was the alternative, but unfortunately for the up and coming tourist attraction of the future, it has both.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.