10 Films You Didn't Realise Buffyverse Actors Were In

2. Sam Anderson - Forrest Gump

Role in the Buffyverse: Holland Manners (Angel) Role in the Forrest Gump: Principal Hancock Holland Manners was a high-ranking lawyer and executive at Wolfram and Hart for many years and one of the top servants of the Senior Partners. He appeared in the first two seasons of Angel until he was killed by Darla - one of the vampires that he, rather ironically, supervised the resurrection of. His contract with Wolfram and Hart remained after his death and his undead body still serves the company. The actor who played him - Sam Anderson - also portrayed the principal at Forrest Gump's elementary school, Principal Hancock. Forrest had been turned down for entry into the "normal" school due to his low IQ, but his mother agreed to have sex with Hancock in order to ensure he was allowed to attend.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.