10 Films You Didn't Realise Buffyverse Actors Were In

4. Tom Lenk - Boogie Nights

Role in the Buffyverse: Cyrus and Andrew Wells (Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel) Role in Boogie Nights: Uncle Floyd's Boy #2 Tom Lenk first appeared in the Buffyverse when he played Cyrus, one of Harmony's hapless vampire minions, in Buffy The Vampire Slayer in the year 2000. More famously, he then went on to play villain turned Watcher Andrew Wells until 2004 in both Buffy and Angel - but before all of that he had a very small role in the 1997 porn drama Boogie Nights. It was his first ever acting role and he played one of theatre magnate Floyd Gondolli's kids, but he really had no major screen time to speak of. He was credited as "Thomas Lenk" and his role was simply listed in the credits alongside Alexander D. Slanger as being "Floyd's Kids (Boys)".

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.