10 Films All Hypochondriacs Should Avoid

3. Chernobyl Diaries: You're Never Using A Computer Again

Radiation poisoning is something you're pretty sure you've experienced before. Like, two minutes ago when you stared too hard at the computer screen. Or when all those TV and Radio signals were just in the air. It's ok, you've learnt to deal with the daily hardships of life - although it doesn't stop you from telling everyone you're pretty sure the world is suffering from radiation poisoning, and you most of all. Chernobyl Diaries follows six tourists who hire an extreme tour guide to take them to the abandoned city Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. In typical American horror movie style, the group are attacked by mutants evolved from former Chernobyl workers who have been severely affected by radiation damage. As if that wasn't enough, the group members are all affected by it as well on a smaller scale, with their skin blistering and their eyes going blind the closer they get to the core reactor. If you watch the Chernobyl Diaries, you will no doubt be convinced that the long term affects of radiation poisoning are waiting just around the corner, waiting to turn you into a mutant, or to make sure you at least end up being eaten by one. So that's no more computers or television for you.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).