10 Final Horror Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

8. The Others

REC 2 Angela

The Others cemented itself in the annals of horror movie legend its final five-or-so minutes, when it turns out that Grace (Nicole Kidman) and her children aren't really being terrorised by a supernatural phenomena - they are the phenomena.

More to the point, they're all ghosts, with Grace smothering her two children to death before killing herself prior to the events of the film.

The spirits known as the "others" are actually the new living residents of the house following the family's demise, as Grace ominously insists that the house belongs to her family, not anyone who dares to buy it in the physical realm.

The "they were dead all along!" twist has certainly been played out for many years now, especially in the horror genre, but back in 2001 this sort of ending could still hit sledgehammer-hard, while instantly enticing viewers to rewatch the film in order to view it through an entirely new lens.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.