10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

9. Embrace The Body Horror

As mentioned, Josh Trank was seemingly attempting to take the Fantastic Four down a darker route. This might not be the best way to build a family-friendly franchise, but there€™s nothing wrong with taking a bit of time in a movie to examine the downsides of becoming a superhero. Provided it didn€™t overpower the film and turn it into an overly dark €˜n€™ gritty mess, there is arguably room for some more serious material in the film. In fact, Trank€™s body horror scenes were more memorable than a lot of other things in Fantastic Four. His transformation scenes €“ particularly where Miles Teller€™s Reed Richards and Jamie Bell€™s Thing first discovered their new abilities €“ had a chillingly effective power. If the next film explored this a little more, rather than rushing to another generic final third showdown, it could provide audiences with some interesting food for thought.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.