10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

8. Fix Doom€™s Appearance

Just take a minute to look at the picture above. Fantastic Four's villain looked a little ridiculous, didn't he? Toby Kebbell€™s post-transformation Doctor Doom had a head that looked like the planet Krypton just before it exploded. To try and put some distance between the next film and the previous disappointment, we wouldn€™t be surprised if Fox never brought back Doctor Doom. But if they do, they€™ll need to do some major redesign work. Toby Kebbel is a magnificent actor (just see Black Mirror and Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, and you€™ll agree) but not even an established thespian at the height of his powers could give a convincing performance beneath that utterly rubbish prosthetic face/mask/thing. One easy solution would be to stick a more traditional mask over Doom€™s deformed face, add a shadowy cloak, and return to the classic comic book style. That way, Doom would look less ridiculous without the need to reboot and recast yet again. Or, failing that...

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.