10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Terminator Franchise

8. Skynet Shouldn't Be An App

€œRemember €“ Genisys is Skynet,€ the most recent Terminator film constantly tells both Kyle Reese and the audience. Except, for the love of God, it shouldn€™t be. Skynet shouldn€™t be an app, no matter who cool and modern the idea may have seemed in the writer€™s room. In the original film, Skynet is a computer system built for military usage that goes sentient and, shortly after, rogue and maniacal. When the military tried to shut it down, Skynet lashed out and nuked Russia, causing Russia to strike back soon after. Three billion people died. In Genisys - although we€™ve already seen a post-nuclear-strike world in the film€™s opening scenes €“ the film decides to throw out this version of events altogether. Instead, the wibbly-wobbly timeline later sees Skynet create the killer app Genisys as a means to wipe out mankind. Going forward, Skynet needs to have a better scheme up its sleeve. The franchise barely survived one app launch third act, so it certainly won€™t weather another. With Matt Smith€™s embodiment of Skynet surviving to fight another day, we€™d much rather see him infiltrate the military than dream up another app or gadget or suchlike.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.