10 Foolhardy Movies That Somehow Missed Their Own Point

6. Planet of the Apes (2001) Throws In A Meaningless Twist; Eradicates All Logic

Planet of the Apes I don't know what brought Tim Burton to the decision that, yeah, a Planet of the Apes remake was essential, given the iconic status of the original, but in 2001 were were treated to his vision - which turned out to be not much of a vision at all, actually. At this point, Tim Burton wasn't even considered to be the semi-uninspired hack that he's considered to be today. People were still hungry for his work, unlike today, where movie-goers just try to avoid looking his new movies in the eye. The problem with remaking this though, all stemmed from that bloody twist. Because - let's face it - even if you haven't seen the original Planet of the Apes from the '60s, you know the twist: Charlton Heston thinks he crashed-landed on an alien planet filled with sentient apes, but it turns out that he actually crashed landed on a future earth, where apes have evolved into the ruling species. Burton obviously couldn't end his movie in such a fashion,because the shock factor would have been non-existent (this is why this project was futile). Instead, the director makes it so that Heston surrogate Mark Wahlberg really did land on another planet, but when he returns home, apes have somehow overtaken Earth, too. The reason this makes no sense, of course, is because the whole point of Planet of the Apes (the movie this movie is adapted from, not the original novel) derives from the fact that they apes overtook humanity - to have apes (a species from Earth) on a different planet defies all established logic, even if the movie does tries to make it plausible using an earlier "twist."

All-round pop culture obsessive.