10 Forgotten Actors That Need To Make A Comeback

8. Dan Aykroyd

f0532aaaa7a32710802e15579a7fed61 Dan Aykroyd, yup he's here...on this list. You don't want to admit it I know, but Dan Aykroyd can actually get it done on film. Sure he is largely used for comedic relief but the fact of the matter is he fits that role well. Dan Aykroyd has had what you might call "a rough go of it" this past couple years. When Dan isn't chasing UFOs he is making mostly overlooked appearances in pretty terrible movies such as I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, The Campaign and Yogi Bear to name a few. To be honest I've seen all of those movies and completely forgot he was in them at all. The fact of the matter is that we live in the year 2013. The odds of Dan Aykroyd getting a leading role are pretty slim to none. A strong supporting role similar to the one he played in My Girl could do wonders for his career at this stage. Recently he has been cast in a role for the HBO movie Behind The Candelabra. I haven't seen that movie and have no idea what type of role he played so I can't judge. I can say however that Dan Aykroyd is quite capable of stealing the show with a decent supporting role in any type of movie that harbors a healthy amount of drama.
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I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.