10 Fox And Sony Marvel Actors Who Could Reprise Their Roles In The MCU

6. Psylocke - Olivia Munn

X Men Apocalypse Psylocke
20th Century Studios

2016's X-Men: Apocalypse was really Fox's attempt to make a Marvel Studios movie and, well, it didn't really work! Critics hated it, and fans rejected the cartoony new direction the franchise was taking, so it was all downhill from there for these characters.

There were some bright spots, however, including Olivia Munn's version of Psylocke. The actress wasn't really given any decent material to work with, but somehow still managed to shine in an adventure full of questionable creative decisions and dodgy performances.

In the comic books, there are really two versions of this character (it gets a tad confusing). Betsy Braddock was the sister of Captain Britain who ended up inhabiting the body of an assassin called Kwannon. Ultimately, they were separated, with Betsy going on to become the new Captain Britain, and Kwannon returning to her life as a hired killer, while also giving X-Force a helping hand.

Delving into that in the MCU might be headache-inducing, but it could also be a lot of fun, and having Munn play Kwannon or a Kwannon with Betsy's personality would go a long way in helping her reinvent the character as someone very different to the generic hybrid fans saw in the X-Men Universe.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.