10 Funniest Harry Potter Characters

1. Ron Weasley

Ron Yule Ball Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Ron provided more moments of comic relief than any other character. As Harry’s near-constant companion, his comedic presence was always a highlight.

During the series, Ron had an extensive list of comical lines, many of which stemmed from his irritable attitude towards other characters. He referred to Professor Trelawney as a ‘miserable old bat’, described Goyle as a ‘baboon’s backside’, and called his own owl a ‘stupid little feathery git’.

Ron was similarly a master of physical comedy. Throughout his time at Hogwarts he launched a broomstick into his own face, whacked Lockhart around the head with a rock, reluctantly danced with McGonagall, and frequently stuffed himself with food at the Great Hall with little to no concern for his table manners.

However, his best moment would have to be in The Half-Blood Prince when he accidently took a love potion intended for Harry. Rupert Grint’s vacant but infatuated expression was a wonderful piece of acting, and his actions in Slughorn’s office were even more amusing.

Had it not been for Ron, Harry’s adventures at Hogwarts would have been much less entertaining. His comedic presence was always a great addition to every entry in the series both in the books and the movies.

Who do you think is the funniest Harry Potter character? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.