10 Funniest Harry Potter Characters

2. Fred And George Weasley

Ron Yule Ball Harry Potter
Warner Brothers

Fred and George were the apex of mischief. Throughout their years at Hogwarts they developed a reputation for being the ultimate troublemakers. Crucially, their misbehaviour was always aimed at the right people, making them (somewhat) respectable as well as entertaining.

Despite their lacklustre examination results, the Weasley twins had considerable talent when it came to product design and moneymaking schemes. In The Order of the Phoenix, they perfected their techniques into a number of products, all of which proved to be a nightmare for Professor Umbridge.

Indeed, their Wildfire Whiz-Bangs caused havoc for Filch and the new headmistress, as neither of them were able to stop the rampaging fireworks, many of which spelled out profanity as they zoomed around the castle.

Their interactions with certain members of their family were also amusing. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, for instance, the twins stole Percy’s Head Boy badge and altered it so that it said ‘Bighead Boy’.

They also enjoyed teasing their younger brother. In The Order of the Phoenix, rather than congratulating Ron for becoming a prefect, they instead informed him that only prats become prefects. In the following novel, they teased Ron still further by suggesting that the only reason Lavender Brown was going out with him was because she was damaged in the head.

Consequently, the Weasley twins will always be remembered as a highly entertaining double act.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.