10 Funniest Harry Potter Characters

7. Horace Slughorn

Ron Yule Ball Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Despite being in Slytherin House, Slughorn possessed a very jovial, almost fatherly nature. His fixation with spotting young talent caused him to befriend plenty of students at Hogwarts, many of whom went on to become outstanding witches and wizards.

Slughorn, therefore, was very much attracted to Harry and Hermione’s talent. He had little time for Ron, however. Throughout The Half-Blood Prince, Slughorn routinely got Ron’s surname wrong, calling him names such as Wallenby or Wenby.

The Potions Master further possessed the dishonourable habit of taking potion ingredients whenever an opportunity presented itself. As well as stealing rare and valuable leaves from Professor Sprout’s Venomous Tentacula, he also took Acromantula venom from Aragog only minutes later.

In contrast to many of his fellow Slytherins, therefore, Slughorn provided plenty of comic relief despite his desire to be around those with power and influence.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.