7. Terry Crews Sings - White Chicks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UApoWRKJ1cw An actor choosing to wear drag in a major motion picture is often a bold decision. It's also usually an unwise decision as shown by films like Norbit and White Chicks, which each gathered a lot of hardware at the Razzie Awards. White Chicks' storyline centers on two African-American males, played by the Wayans brothers, who have to guard these two rich white girls who for some reason are expected to be kidnapped. The plot is complicated when the these two girls refuse to go outside and suddenly you have an excuse for two black males to impersonate white females by wearing whiteface drag. For the most part, the movie is as bad as it sounds. The exception is a scene where a drag-wearing Marlon Wayans is on a date with Terry Crews, who inexplicably thinks he's with a real woman. Crews is starting to make sexual advances, so Wayans decides to distract him by putting on some soft pop music. A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton comes on and suddenly Crews is overcome with emotion. The former football player who has performed in films like The Expendables, then reveals this is one of his favorite songs and he pantomimes the lyrics to comedic effect. It is a thoroughly unexpected moment of comedy that clearly stands out with all the unfunny drag-related humor that occurs in White Chicks.
James Hudson Reagan
Writer, movie fan, sports nerd. Particularly love sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings). Love in-depth discussion of films that goes into detail, especially about character motivation. Sometimes wish I was British. Journalism major with psychology minor. You can follow me on twitter @James__Reagan.
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