10 Future Stars Who Appeared In Star Trek

1. Ashley Judd

Teri Hatcher Star Trek

Ashley Judd appeared as Ensign Robin Lefler in Darmok and The Game. While her character was a hit with audiences, unfortunately, those remain her only appearances in Star Trek. These episodes were released in 1991, just as Judd's star began to rise.

She appeared in a slew of successful films throughout the 90s and 00s. Kiss The Girls, A Time To Kill and Double Jeaporady were all commercial and critical successes, which would seemingly leave her in the perfect position to take on the role of Arwen in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy.

However, her career was allegedly halted by Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein had allegedly assaulted her during the filming of Kiss The Girls. When she rejected his advances, he would begin to spread disinformation about her, leading Jackson to opt against casting her. Jackson later corroborated this story.

She sued Weinstein for defamation and sexual harassment. While the harassment case was dismissed, she pursued the defamation case against him. In the years since Judd has become a powerful spokesperson for survivors of sexual assault and continues to work passionately in activism to this day.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick