10 Giant Movie Myths (And The Truth Behind Them)

2. Real Sex Scenes

The Myth: In the film Don't Look Now, sex scenes between Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie weren't acted or simulated: they were actually having sex on-screen. Where the myth originated from isn't exactly clear, and while the scenes in question are some of the most convincing in comparison to other hilarious examples of film sex, there is one person who claims to have witnessed the two actors going at it for real. Peter Bart, an editor for Variety has gone on record as stating he was on the set of the film when it was shooting and saw the two actors properly going at it. The Truth: There is no definitive answer: both Sutherland and Christie have stated numerous times in interviews and statements that the scenes were purely simulated, with Sutherland even specifically denying that Bart was ever present on the set of the film. Aside from the fact that Christie was married at the time of the film's creation, there's really no reason that either actor would have lied. Besides, if the scenes were truly real, we suspect that the director, camera crew or producers of the film would have let it slip already.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.