10 Golden Rules of Horror Movies That Characters Never Obey

9. Don't Sneak Up On Your Friends

Horror movies are often populated with irritating characters who make it very hard to sympathize with them, and part of this is the obnoxious way in which they like to make their presence known. Almost every horror film has that scene where the friend suddenly slaps their hand on their jumpy pal€™s shoulder, scaring the bejesus out of them. Who does that? Is there anyone on this planet who approaches their friend in such a manner outside of consciously trying to scare them? Then they act surprised that their friend jumps or screams. Sneaking up like a ninja will do that. It is clear from horror films that the killers and monsters do not like these false purveyors of fright, and so feel the need to rid themselves of such a nuisance. Like with many of the annoying characters, the audience is grateful. Nothing is quite so frustrating as the false jump scare.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.