10 Good Horror Movies With Surprisingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores

4. Deep Rising - RT Score: 28%

deep rising
Buena Vista Pictures

The fact that we never got a slew of sequels, even direct-to-video ones, of 1998's Deep Rising is a straight up injustice. We should all be ashamed.

A group of mercenaries hire a boat captain to take them aboard a luxury cruise ship in order to rob it. As it turns out, they aren't the first ones to try and break up the party.

Deep Rising is a prime slice of B-movie cinema. The protagonists, while not complex, are likeable and charismatic enough to make you root for them. Its villains may be stock 90s tough guys, but they're imposing enough to be a real threat. However, where the movie really shines is in its monster.

The film gives us a mumbo jumbo scientific explanation of the creature, but all you really need to know is that it's a giant tentacle monster that'd give Cthulhu a run for his money. It's grotesque enough to make you want to avoid any and all contact with the ocean for the foreseeable future. The thing is pure monster movie gold, deserving of a place among the greats.

Then there's that ending that sets up, well, we'll never know because it bombed at the box office. We really do live in the darkest timeline.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.