10 Good Horror Movies With Surprisingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores

3. Jennifer's Body - RT Score: 45%

deep rising
20th Century Fox

Whoever thought it was a good idea to market Jennifer's Body to horny teenage boys needs to put in time out and forced to give the cast and crew a sincere apology.

A young woman locked in a mental institution tells the story of her former friend Jennifer who, after being ritualistically sacrificed by a group of teenage boys, came back from the dead as a succubus seeking bloody vengeance on the male sex.

Jennifer's Body is an incendiary piece of feminist, queer cinema unjustly advertised as something whose sole purpose was to appeal to the male gaze. While it does of course have sex appeal, the movie, ultimately, is about how the patriarchy both facilitates and encourages the violent objectification of women. In its world, and in turn ours, women are not seen as human beings worthy of as much respect and humanity as their male counterparts, but as things to be controlled, abused, and commodified.

As a film, Jennifer's Body is far more intelligent and layered than most critics and audience members at the time gave it credit for.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.