10 Goriest Films Of All Time

6. Brain Dead (1992)

Brain Dead Another hysterically funny gore fest made by Peter Jackson in his halcyon New Zealand days, Brain Dead features mummy's boy Lionel having a bit of a problem with his mother Vera who was bitten by a diseased monkey and has now turned into a ravenous zombie. Lionel tries to keep her doped up but she soon makes short work of the town - turning people into zombies which Lionel tries to hide in the basement. Lionel's unsavoury uncle Les finds out about his secret and threatens to blackmail Lionel out of his inheritance. Les holds a party and the dejected Lionel administers what he thinks is poison to the zombies but what turns out to be an animal stimulant. The corpses thus get over excited and make short work of the party goers. This leads to a crimson soaked finale with zombies chewing on people galore and one of the most inventive killing methods of a zombie ever used. There is a gore laden comedy, which is so unbelievably soaked with the red stuff and outrageous acts of violence, it is impossible to do anything but laugh along with it. Gory highlights include: a zombie baby who inflicts a lot of damage on people, Lionel's mother turning into a gigantic zombie and pulling Les' head and spine from his body, and of course Lionel running amok with a certain instrument to kill off the zombies. Probably the best splatter comedy ever made, Brain Dead also makes zombies amusing whenever intestines come to life and try to kill our hero Lionel. There is also some really good acting in the film which puts the icing on the cake

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!