10 Great British Sci-Fi Movies You've Probably Never Seen

8. The Man In The White Suit

Lifeforce 1985
General Film Distributors

Sometimes, a film can remain topical despite being seventy years old, and it's always fascinating to see. While this movie's science-fiction aspects aren't as extreme as others, its scathing political satire and ridiculous premise makes it a rousingly entertaining watch.

The movie follows Sidney Stratton - played by the iconic Alec Guinness - a brilliant yet ineffectual young chemist who fights to revolutionise the textiles industry by creating a groundbreaking fabric that repels dirt and never wears out. After finally succeeding in his goal, he becomes public enemy number one, as his bosses and the trade union realise his invention could put them out of business.

There's a beautiful irreverence in the movie's joyful tone, as the leading character is a perfect archetype for the down on his luck scientist, who ends up in way over his head. It's an ideal exploration of altruism over commercialism in a way that's still incredibly relevant in the modern landscape.

Outside of making some interesting points, the movie's lead is so charming, and the ridiculous concept of a perfect - and somewhat radioactive - suit makes for a charming ride. Plus, the 1951 release date gives it a nostalgic early science fiction vibe that's easy to fall for.

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